• Misc

    Rainy Day

    Drip drop, pitter patter,

    Tap tap, splash splatter.

    Cold chill, to the bones,

    Dodging puddles walking home.

    Tucked in tight, beneath the sheets,

    Rain drops singing me to sleep.

  • Misc

    La Reine Blanche

    French queen, Spanish mujer. Mother to many, defended the heir.

    Teacher of Latin, reader of books. The Nobel court, admired her looks.

    Succeeded her husband, while Louis was young. She squashed rebellion, and led her troops on.

    Kind in-law she wasn’t, t’was enviously green. She loved her son dearly, to Marge she was mean.

    Strong-willed, devout, and loyal to France. This is the story, of La Reine Blanche.

    Seine River
  • Misc

    Memory Wax

    Light me up, burn me slow.
    Watch and see this jar aglow.

    I’m getting warm- you feel the heat.
    A heavy quilt tucked ’round your feet.

    Rain drops stream, down the pane.
    Yet through the gloom, my light remains.

    Watch me flicker, see me melt.
    A wave of reassurance felt.

    Take a breath, scent so sweet.
    Taste buds dance. Tempting treat.

    You’re not alone– you’re loved. You’re safe.
    You are the light that warms this space.
